kPALConnect = 12, /* PAL ST (default), FF, STconv, FFconv */
kHRConnect = 13, /* Straight-6 connect -- 640x480 and 640x400 (to get 8bpp in 256K case) (these two only) */
kPanelFSTNConnect = 14, /* For use with fixed-in-place LCD FSTN (aka メSupertwistモ) panels */
kMonoTwoPageConnect = 15, /* 1152x870 Apple color two-page display */
kColorTwoPageConnect = 16, /* 1152x870 Apple B&W two-page display */
kColor16Connect = 17, /* 832x624 Apple B&W two-page display */
kColor19Connect = 18 /* 1024x768 Apple B&W two-page display */
/* csTimingFlags values in VDTimingInfoRec */
enum {
kModeValid = 0, /* Says that this mode should NOT be trimmed. */
kModeSafe = 1, /* This mode does not need confirmation */
kModeDefault = 2, /* This is the default mode for this type of connection */
kModeShowNow = 3, /* This mode should always be shown (even though it may require a confirm) */
kModeNotResize = 4, /* This mode should not be used to resize the display (eg. mode selects a different connector on card) */
kModeRequiresPan = 5, /* This mode has more pixels than are actually displayed */
kModeInterlaced = 6 /* This mode is interlaced (single pixel lines look bad). */
/* csResolutionFlags bit flags for VDResolutionInfoRec */
enum {
kResolutionHasMultipleDepthSizes = 0 /* Says that this mode has different csHorizontalPixels, csVerticalLines at different depths (usually slightly larger at lower depths) */
enum {
/* Power Mode constants for VDPowerStateRec.powerState. */
enum {
/* Power Mode masks and bits for VDPowerStateRec.powerFlags. */
kPowerStateNeedsRefresh = 0,
kPowerStateNeedsRefreshMask = (1L << 0)
enum {
/* Control Codes */
cscReset = 0,
cscKillIO = 1,
cscSetMode = 2,
cscSetEntries = 3,
cscSetGamma = 4,
cscGrayPage = 5,
cscGrayScreen = 5,
cscSetGray = 6,
cscSetInterrupt = 7,
cscDirectSetEntries = 8,
cscSetDefaultMode = 9,
cscSwitchMode = 10,
cscSetSync = 11,
cscSavePreferredConfiguration = 16,
cscSetHardwareCursor = 22,
cscDrawHardwareCursor = 23,
cscSetConvolution = 24,
cscSetPowerState = 25,
cscUnusedCall = 127 /* This call used to expend the scrn resource. Its imbedded data contains more control info */
enum {
/* Status Codes */
cscGetMode = 2,
cscGetEntries = 3,
cscGetPageCnt = 4,
cscGetPages = 4, /* This is what C&D 2 calls it. */
cscGetPageBase = 5,
cscGetBaseAddr = 5, /* This is what C&D 2 calls it. */
cscGetGray = 6,
cscGetInterrupt = 7,
cscGetGamma = 8,
cscGetDefaultMode = 9,
cscGetCurMode = 10,
cscGetSync = 11,
cscGetConnection = 12, /* Return information about the connection to the display */
cscGetModeTiming = 13, /* Return timing info for a mode */
cscGetModeBaseAddress = 14, /* Return base address information about a particular mode */
unsigned long csData; /*(long) functional sResource of mode*/
unsigned short csPage; /*(word) page to switch in*/
Ptr csBaseAddr; /*(long) base address of page (return value)*/
unsigned long csReserved; /*(long) Reserved (set to 0) */
typedef struct VDSwitchInfoRec VDSwitchInfoRec;
typedef VDSwitchInfoRec *VDSwitchInfoPtr;
struct VDTimingInfoRec {
unsigned long csTimingMode; /* LONGINT - (long) timing mode (a la InitGDevice) */
unsigned long csTimingReserved; /* LONGINT - (long) reserved */
unsigned long csTimingFormat; /* LONGINT - (long) what format is the timing info */
unsigned long csTimingData; /* LONGINT - (long) data supplied by driver */
unsigned long csTimingFlags; /* LONGINT - (long) mode within device */
typedef struct VDTimingInfoRec VDTimingInfoRec;
typedef VDTimingInfoRec *VDTimingInfoPtr;
struct VDDisplayConnectInfoRec {
unsigned short csDisplayType; /* INTEGER - (word) Type of display connected */
unsigned char csConnectTaggedType; /* BYTE - type of tagging */
unsigned char csConnectTaggedData; /* BYTE - tagging data */
unsigned long csConnectFlags; /* LONGINT - (long) tell us about the connection */
unsigned long csDisplayComponent; /* LONGINT - (long) if the card has a direct connection to the display, it returns the display component here (FUTURE) */
unsigned long csConnectReserved; /* LONGINT - (long) reserved */